Harvested by hand in Buffalo, New York, these worm castings from BFLO Worm Works make a great all-purpose fertilizer for soil. Using earthworm castings, this fungally dominated soil amendment provides long-lasting nourishments for your soil and plants. Earthworm castings are packed with nutrients that are essential for plant growth, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, making for an all-natural fertilizer for your garden, that won’t “burn” plants from being too “hot”. These worm castings contain microorganisms that help enhance soil fertility, improve soil structure and keep nutrients cycling. The microbes in this amendment helps break down organic matter, releasing nutrients for your plants to easily absorb. BFLO Work Works worm castings are an excellent source of humus (organic matter) which is rich in nutrients, retains moisture, and pulls toxins from the soil. Adding worm castings to your soil is quick and simple, as you can put it directly on top of your soil. Each 2-pound bag contains worm castings, cardboard, and coconut coir.

Living Worm Castings
These worm castings contain microorganisms that help enhance soil fertility, improve soil structure and keep nutrients cycling. Live organisms can be observed in these worm castings underneath a microscope. We took a sample to show under a microscope and isolated an oribatid mite, a beneficial mite which works to facilitate plant growth by dispersing mycorrhizal fungi.
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